YouTube is updating its Studio Mobile App & adding more data to YouTube analytics to give its creators access to more & insightful data.
YouTube creator can now access more analytics data as the company is adding more metrics about video views.
Also, the company is updating its Studio Mobile App to give its creators seamless access to insightful data.
With the help of this data, creators can make efficient decisions.
YouTube is making Studio Mobile app feature loaded as desktop version:
YouTube is moving towards its goal of making its mobile app more feature packed for its creators.
The continuation of this is shown in the recent update to the app, where more features have been added to the app.
Update to Studio Mobile:
Real Time Card:
YouTube has made changes to its real time card feature on Studio Mobile to make it more usable for creators.
The following changes have been made:
Thumbnails: Thumbnails will now be shown in real time card for each video.
Sorting: Previously users could only sort videos according to the published date, however, with recent update, creators can sort videos on video views.
Amount of videos: Previously cards only showed 5 videos but after recent update 15 videos can be shown.
Watch time via subscribers:
Studio Mobile app users can now access data for watch time gained by subscribers. It is the most notable addition to the app, as creators can now focus on from where they are getting maximum watch time.
Change in Tabs:
YouTube has also made changes to tabs section in the app. According to the developers, they have omitted some of the tabs that were used seldom on mobile.
Few new tabs have also been added.
Furthermore, alignment has been made better for creators to access data anytime and anywhere.
New analytics data in YouTube Studio
Living Room Data:
YouTube has created a new category for recording video views in the data.
Living room data will start to appear in analytics section starting from this month.
Data of views and watch time counted from sources like TV and video game consoles will be recorded in Living room data.
Although the data from both sources was already being calculated, it is only that now YouTube has now created a new segment for it.
New & returning viewers:
Data is so crucial for video SEO, and YouTube is gearing up to provide its creators with every data possible.
Recently, YouTube launched new & returning viewers metric to analytics section.
This new section will be very helpful for creators to determine the effectiveness of their content for new and retained users.